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Easing tool fatigue in front-end workflow


As part of the forward thinking team at UVD, I’m no stranger to tool fatigue and the frustrations that go with it. Having at least 10+ gulp plugins running all manner of tasks from, SCSS compilation, TemplateCache generation, test running and TypeScript transpilation.

Many of us are used to composing large gulpfiles or gruntfiles to perform build and development tasks as we develop complex projects, but recently I’ve been utilising the power of npm scripts to run tools straight from the command line.

Using npm scripts is nothing new, and there are a number of articles that detail how powerful they can be, and why we should all be using them.

Gulp power!

Over the last 12 months JavaScript has matured into ES2016/ES2017, coupled with the explosion of other languages like Dart and Typescript mean that more than ever before we are transpiling code into ES5 JavaScript.

Previously my go-to tool was gulp, I used this tool for serving assets, transpiling code, building styles and many, many other tasks. Now I’m not suggesting that Gulp is dead or that it shouldn’t be used.. but it can hoover up a lot of resources while it’s completing tasks and watching for changes.

Here’s an example of some of my later Gulpfile’s (used with Babel as you’ll notice the ES2015/ES6 syntax). Also note that I’ve split other tasks into separate files, which are being imported in at the top of the file.

import runUnitTests from './gulp/unit-tests';
import serveWithOptions from './gulp/serve';
import runProtractor from './gulp/e2e';

import webdriver from 'gulp-webdriver';
import selenium from 'selenium-standalone';

const environment = argv.env || 'development';
const paths = {
    tmp: '.tmp',
    templates: 'app/views/**/*.html'

gulp.task('sass', function () {

gulp.task('e2e', ['serve:e2e', 'webdriver-update', 'config'], runProtractor);

gulp.task('clean', function () {

//template cache
gulp.task('templates', function () {

gulp.task('config', ['clean'], function () {

gulp.task('serve', ['sass', 'templates', 'config'], serveWithOptions());
gulp.task('serve:e2e', ['sass', 'templates', 'config'], serveWithOptions({ open: false, port: 9876 }))

gulp.task('test', ['templates', 'config'], (done) => runUnitTests(true /* singleRun */, done));
gulp.task('test:auto', ['templates', 'config'], (done) => runUnitTests(false /* singleRun */, done));

If I was to take this now and have a first attempt at moving some of this to the command line. I’d first look at the test tasks.

These tasks could be moved to npm and might look something like the following:

    "test": "npm run templateCache && karma start karma.conf.js --single-run",
    "test:watch": "npm run templateCache:watch | karma start karma.conf.js --no-single-run --auto-watch",
    "templateCache": "gulp buildTemplateCache:unit",
    "templateCache:watch": "gulp buildTemplateCache:unit:watch"

In this instance, we are still using gulp to build our template cache for the tests but we’re using the gulp task in isolation as opposed to relying on gulp for all the things!

Another example would be with the TypeScript transpilation. For this particular project it was using bower for package management, which I later upgraded to JSPM (JavaScript Package Manager). Introducing typescript into the project began with using gulp-typescript to transpile code to JavaScript and then used that in the browser.

One major benefit of introducing JSPM into the mix was browser transpilation. Rather than watching and transpiling code on save (which is a fairly intensive task), I can now give the browser my typescript and ask JSPM with SystemJS to transpile my code in the browser. This provides source mapping and on the fly transpilation out of the box, magic!

This also removed a large chunk of gulp tasks and freed up machine resources, ultimately making it quicker to develop with a faster feedback loop.

Live example

To illustrate what your npm scripts might look like when you’ve made it your predominant build tool, here’s a snippet from a project I have worked on recently:

    "scripts": {
      "serve": "gulp constants && gulp inject:icons && browser-sync start --config bs-config.js",
      "serve:dist": "npm run build && browser-sync start --config bs-config.dist.js",
      "test": "npm run templateCache && karma start karma.conf.js --single-run",
      "test:coverage:remap": "remap-istanbul --input ./.tmp/coverage-reports/coverage-final.json --output coverage --type html",
      "test:coverage": "rm -rf .tmp/coverage && tsc && npm run templateCache && karma start karma.coverage.conf.js --single-run && npm run test:coverage:remap",
      "test:watch": "npm run templateCache:watch | karma start karma.conf.js --no-single-run --auto-watch",
      "templateCache": "gulp buildTemplateCache:unit",
      "templateCache:watch": "gulp buildTemplateCache:unit:watch",
      "tslint": "tslint -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts'",
      "gulp": "gulp",
      "jspm": "jspm",
      "pattern-library": "(cd pattern-library; npm run build)",
      "build": "npm run pattern-library && gulp build",
      "mock-api": "npm run mock-api:factories && robohydra -p 3000 limpid-api.conf",
      "mock-api:factories": "tsc --outDir ./.tmp/factories/ --module commonjs ./src/fixtures/factories/*",
      "build-dependency-bundle": "jspm bundle 'src/app/**/* - [src/**/*]' .tmp/dependancies.js",
      "postinstall": "jspm install && typings install"

Is this your preferred method of controlling your front-end tools? Or do you have an argument for gulp/grunt over this approach? Let me know below!
